Friday, 1 December 2017

The Biggest Oculus Rift, HTC Vive and Windows VR Releases Of The Week 11/26/17

The Biggest Oculus Rift, HTC Vive and Windows VR Releases Of The Week 11/26/17

A small, but good week this week. While Vive owners finally get to sink their teeth into one of the year’s biggest shooter (as do Rift owners, after some last-minute confusion), both headsets also get some great new immersive and educational experiences.

And don’t forget that UploadVR has a Steam community group, complete with a curated list of recommendations so that you don’t have to waste any money finding out what’s good in the world of VR. We also have a top list of the absolute best Oculus Rift and HTC Vive games at the corresponding links.

Doom VFR, from id Software
Price: $29.99 (Vive)

id Software’s legendary shooter series comes to the HTC Vive as a gory shooting spree. Featuring remixed content from the 2016 Doom with a fresh story, you’ll be tasked with killing as many demons as possible as you make your way through an overrun facility on Mars. Doom VFR can be a ton of fun on Vive even if we miss smooth locomotion, and it’s at a pretty good price for what it is, too.

Home: A VR Spacewalk, from BBC and Rewind
Price: Free (Rift, Vive)

An immersive space-set VR experience from the BBC and Rewind. Home allows you to explore the International Space Station using your hands to navigate through zero-gravity. It’s an utterly engrossing, albeit short, experience that gives you just a taste of what it might be like to become an astronaut. Look for more from the BBC with the recent launch of its VR hub.

Titanic VR, from Immersive VR Education
Price: $24.99 (Rift, Vive, currently discounted)

A long-in-development educational experience for the Rift and Vive finally hits Early Access this week. Take on the role of Dr. Ethan Lynch, who sets out to search the wreckage of the legendary vessel. Explore the shipwreck from underwater and learn all about the historic events (Leonardo DiCaprio not included).

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