Having Issues with Tracking while you Play Skyrim on your PlayStation VR? Here's how to fix it!
Skyrim VR has arrived on PlayStation VR letting you experience the world that Bethesda has created in a new and immersive way. Nobody wants to be distracted by drift or bad calibration when you're trying to hunt down a dragon, but these are common problems. Have no fear though, we've put together a few fixes to get you back into the fray without too much trouble.
Get all the details on how to deal with tracking issues in Skyrim here!
Optimize Your Settings
The first thing to do is start from the beginning. To do that, follow these steps to take yourself back to square one in regards to your settings data and camera calibration.
- Go to your PS4 Settings and select "Initialization".
- Then select "Restore Default Settings".
Note This will NOT delete your user data, saved data, or downloaded games.
It's been reported frequently by consumers that using your "Adjust Playstation Camera" calibration setting always seems to make things worse instead of better. So, we're recommending you not select that option.
HDCP Problems
HDCP is High-Bandwidth Digital Content Protection. It prevents the copying of digital audio and video content and, for some reason, can affect the gameplay in some VR games. If you've tried all else and nothing works, try disabling HDCP on your PlayStation.
Disabling HDCP is easy, and can be found from within the System Settings, but if that doesn't do the trick then you may want to check your HDMI cables and make sure that none of them have stopped working properly.
Surroundings and Equipment
Sometimes the simplest of fixes can be the ones we commonly overlook. Have you made sure there is nothing obstructing the view of your camera? Has the camera lenses been cleaned recently?
If the answer is yes to both of those questions, the next step it to make sure you've got your play-space set up correctly and your camera is adjusted properly. This means ensuring you have enough room to properly enjoy PlayStation VR, and that your camera isn't getting distracted by light coming in through the windows, or by bright LED screens on the other side of the room. v
Have the Right Lighting
On the note of your play-space, another thing to keep in mind is the lighting situation you have. If you're in a room with large windows or a significant amount of brightness, it's probably a good idea to adjust your physical surroundings to adhere to the light. PlayStation VR uses light to track your headset, so any bright lights can throw things off and cause chaos with tracking while you are gaming.
An easy rule to remember is that the darker the room, the better your tracking is going to be. Keep in mind with the holiday season coming up that Christmas tree lights can effect the PlayStation registering the lights of your Move Controllers if your PlayStation Camera can see them.
To check for any light disturbances in your camera's view:
Open your Quick Menu by holding the PlayStation button on your controller.
Select "Adjust Headset."
Select "Confirm your Position."
This will show you what your camera is seeing. If you notice a decent amount of disturbance in light, go ahead and adjust your surroundings.
Keeping Your Equipment Charged
I'm sure you've noticed, like most technology, when it starts getting low on power it starts getting shotty with performance. Make sure your Move Controllers are properly charged so that the gyroscope gives off better data.
Wanna keep playing while your controllers are charging? Amazon has a dual charging cord for the Move Controllers, and it's only $10!
Tracking problems are a hassle that nobody wants to deal with, and they're doubly frustrating when you are trying to secure your destiny and hunt down a dragon. Thankfully many of Skyrim's tracking issues can be solved in just a few minutes. Have you run into any of these issues? Is there another fix that we didn't mention here? Be sure to let us know about it in the comments below!
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