Wednesday, 8 March 2017

Vimeo 360 is a Revolution for Immersive Storytellers—Here’s How

Vimeo 360 is here, and it’s more than just 360 video functionality.

It’s a big day for VR and 360 video. In addition to Facebook launching a dedicated VR app for Samsung Gear VR, high-end video platform Vimeo has announced Vimeo 360. Detailed in this announcement post, the platform consists of three different components: 360 video upload functionality for users, 360 Video School, and a curated 360 channel.

The goal is to help creators feel empowered to experiment, collaborate, and share ideas to “usher in the new standard for incredible storytelling.”


A more complete list of features includes:

  • Upload up to 8K, letting viewers stream in high quality
  • Customizable settings for FOV, outro, and other features
  • Lessons via 360 Video School to optimize immersive storytelling and workflows
  • Ability to sell content with your PRO or Business membership
  • Integrations via direct upload from Adobe Premiere Pro and Sony Vegas
  • Direct playability on the Vimeo app with Zeiss, GearVR, and Daydream HMDs.
  • Offline viewing with advance downloads


Uploads were designed to be intuitive to users familiar with 2D video uploading—just tick the “This video was recorded in 360” box and voila.



Creators have the ability to customize how 360 videos play via embed. There are two new boxes in “Video Settings” called “360 Badge” and “Compass.” When the video finishes uploading, both boxes are pre-ticked, but users can choose to un-tick one or both.


Advanced Viewer Settings

Vimeo has also added customizability for advanced features, such as mobile viewing, the boundaries for the FOV frame, and default POV.

This is a huge move for Vimeo, one that has huge implications for how immersive media is adopted by artists and mainstream audiences alike. Maybe most exciting is that it’s a major boon to draw accomplished 2D filmmakers who might have been looking to make the jump to immersive storytelling.

Since 2004, Vimeo has fought to preserve its identity as a home for high-end, artistic content. As 360 video continues to evolve as a medium, it’s important that creators feel empowered to make the leap to a relatively uncharted medium while simultaneously striving to move beyond its novelty to achieve the same degree of artistic quality they would in 2D media.

In developing an end-to-end home for creators to learn, share, and collaborate, Vimeo bridges the gap between novice and auteur—and might have just singlehandedly changed the game for the future 360 Video.

Image Credit: Vimeo /

The post Vimeo 360 is a Revolution for Immersive Storytellers—Here’s How appeared first on VRScout.

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