Monday, 6 March 2017

Robo Recall Vive Support Added With RoboRevive Mod

Robo Recall Vive Support Added With RoboRevive Mod

Developed by Epic Games and with a budget that nearly matched the original Gears of War, Robo Recall [Review: 7.5/10] is probably the Oculus Rift’s biggest exclusive so far. But a new mod is making sure HTC Vive owners don’t miss out.

You may well have heard of CrossVR before. He’s one of the developers behind Revive, a hack that allows Vive owners to play games available on Oculus Home, including exclusive Rift content funded by Oculus itself. It caused quite a stir last year when Oculus released a Home update that unintentionally blocked its access, then quickly backpedalled when it opened up further security concerns.

But CrossVR isn’t bringing Robo Recall to Vive using that program. Instead, he’s utilising the game’s mod support for a new release that he’s labelled RoboRevive. The mod uses SteamVR’s Unreal Egnine plugin.

You can download the mod from GitHub where you’ll also find detailed instructions to installing it. The modder notes that the Vive’s control scheme is not perfect, likely due to the differences in buttons between the Oculus Touch controllers that Robo Recall was designed for and the Vive wands HTC’s headset uses. Keep in mind that this is simply a foundation that the developer hopes others will build upon to make the game much more compatible with Vive.

It’s taken less than a week for modders to get Robo Recall up and running on Vive; the first-person shooter enjoyed a surprise launch last Wednesday for free. Still, it’s arrival is well timed, as others have already implemented a mod that adjusts the game to better suit 360 degree play. Currently the game is designed for 180 degree Rift setups with two sensors, constantly getting players to face forwards, but this mod changes the game so players can teleport and end up facing the intended direction.

Epic Games is also working on an official fix for this, due to launch later this month.

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